On 31st October, Claudia Pennese, a member of the CAVIAR UPV EHU research group, participated in the 4th Urban Agenda Pamplona 2030 Conference, an event held on World Cities Day that focused on one of the main challenges of the Urban Agenda: the energy transition.
During this event, more than a hundred people had the opportunity to learn about the progress of the European project oPEN Lab and its first results in Pamplona. The initiatives presented are already generating visible changes in the neighbourhoods, driving an urban renewal process that promises to transform the city.
The morning was filled with presentations showcasing the innovative initiatives that are creating visible changes in the neighbourhoods. In addition, the barriers and opportunities faced by public entities in promoting the energy transition were discussed.
In the afternoon, participants visited the Rochapea neighbourhood, where they had the chance to see first-hand what is being done in the area, such as the renovation of homes in the San Pedro Group and the creation of the collaborative mural, among other initiatives.
If you are interested in being part of this process, we will be sharing more information on our social media in the coming months about the three new collaborative murals that will be created in the neighbourhood. Don’t miss it!