Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Parametric simulation tool for the enviro-economic evaluation of energy renovation strategies in residential buildings with life cycle thinking: PARARENOVATE-LCT, Energy and Buildings, 2024

Aimar Santos García, Izaskun Aseguinolaza Braga, In-between spaces for today’s city: Historical review for identifying their beneficial characteristics, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024

Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Characterization of the Thermal Behavior of Semi-Exterior Laundry Spaces in an Overheating Passivhaus Residential Building in Bilbao, Spain Sustainability (Switzerland), 2024

Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Long-Term Analysis of Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort in a Passivhaus Apartment in Spain Buildings, 2024

Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Parametric simulation tool for the enviro-economic evaluation of energy renovation strategies in residential buildings with life cycle thinking: PARARENOVATE-LCT Energy and Buildings, 2024


Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, A. Kolbasnikova, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Decision-making framework for positive energy building design through key performance indicators relating geometry, localization, energy and PV system integration Energy and Buildings, 2023

Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, A. Kolbasnikova, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Energy balance and photovoltaic integration in positive energy buildings. Design and performance in built office case studies Architectural Science Review, 2023

Itziar Modrego Monforte, Mikel Barrena Herrán, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, A Multi-Criteria Analysis GIS Tool for Measuring the Vulnerability of the Residential Stock Based on Multidimensional Indices Land, 2023

Silvia Pérez Bezos, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Evaluation of Thermal Comfort Perception in Social Housing Context Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2023

Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Markel Rueda Esteban, Anna Figueroa López, Belinda López Mesa, Applicability of the European Union’s Building Renovation Assessment Framework in Spain Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2023

Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Environmental and economic optimization and prioritization tool-kit for residential building renovation strategies with life cycle approach Building and Environment, 2023

Anna Figueroa Lopez, Xabat Oregi Isasi, M. Almeida, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Evaluation of hygrothermal comfort in educational centres by monitoring three case studies with different ventilation systems in Vitoria, Spain Journal of Building Engineering, 2023

Iñigo Rodriguez Vidal, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, U. Armengod, Evaluating the Feasibility of Hybrid Ventilation in Educational Spaces: A Simulation Study in the Basque Country Climate Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2023

Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Alexander Martín Garín, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Exploratory analysis of the operation of a MHRV system in an overheating nZEB apartment in Spain Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023

Silvia Pérez Bezos, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Multifactorial approach to indoor environmental quality perception of social housing residents in Northern Spain Building Research and Information, 2023

Silvia Pérez Bezos, O. Guerra Santin, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Occupants’ behavioural diversity regarding the indoor environment in social housing. Case study in Northern Spain Journal of Building Engineering, 2023

Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, Joseba Gainza Barrencua, Olatz  Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, The zero building: an exemplary nearly zero energy office building (NZEB) and its potential to become a positive energy building (PEB) Architectural Science Review, 2023


Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Alexander Martín Garín, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Evolution of Energy Saving Regulations on the Indoor Summer Comfort of Five Homes on the Coast of the Basque Country Buildings, 2022

Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Gaizka Vallespir Etxebarria, José Antonio Millán García, Alexander Martín Garín, Integration of Indoor Air Quality Concerns in Educational Community Through Collaborative Framework of Campus Bizia Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country Smart and Sustainable Technology for Resilient Cities and Communities. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer (Singapore), 2022; 73-88, 9811587825

Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Barriers and challenges of the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 on building renovation by European RTD projects Energy and Building (Q1), 2022; 269, 0378-7788

Silvia Pérez Bezos, Anna Figueroa López, Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Assessment of Social Housing Energy and Thermal Performance in Relation to Occupants’ Behaviour and COVID-19 Influence—A Case Study in the Basque Country, Spain Sustainability, 2022; 14 (9), 5594

Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Mikel Barrena Herrán, Itziar Modrego Monforte, Riesgo para la salud asociado a la vivienda y su entorno. Propuesta metodológica para su evaluación Ci[ur]Cuadernos de investigación urbanística Nº142, 2022; 78-95, 2174-5099

Alba Arias Royo, Irati Otamendi Irizar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Surveillance and Foresight Process of the Sustainable City Context: Innovation Potential Niches and Trends at the European Level Sustainability, 2022

Irati Otamendi Irizar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Alba Arias Royo, Claudia Pennese, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, How can local energy communities promote sustainable development in European cities? Energy Research & Social Science, 2022

Alba Arias Royo, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Irati Otamendi Irizar, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Analysis of the Scope and Implementation of the Strategies Promoted by Local Urban Agenda in Relation to European and National Trends. The Case of the Basque Country International Journal of Transport Development and Integration (Q3), 2022; 6 (18), 58-65, 2058-8313

Joseba Gainza Barrencua, Moisés Odriozola Maritorena, Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, Iñaki Gómez Arriaran, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Use of sunspaces to obtain energy savings by preheating the intake air of the ventilation system: Analysis of its main characteristics in the different Spanish climate zones Journal of Building Engineering (Q1), 2022

Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, A. Kolbasnikova, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Energy balance and photovoltaic integration in positive energy buildings. Design and performance in built office case studies, Architectural Science Review (Q1), 2022

Anna Figueroa López, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Marta Almeida, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Evaluation of hygrothermal comfort in educational centres by monitoring three case studies with different ventilation systems in Vitoria, Spain, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022; 65


Xabier Barrutieta Basurko, Joseba Gainza Barrencua, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, The zero building: an exemplary nearly zero energy office building (NZEB) and its potential to become a positive energy building (PEB) Architectural Science Review (Q1), 2021

Joseba Gainza Barrencua, Moisés Odriozola Maritorena, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Iñaki Gómez Arriaran, Energy savings using sunspaces to preheat ventilation intake air: Experimental and simulation study Journal of Building Engineering (Q1), 2021

Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, The impact of energy refurbishment interventions on annual energy demand, indoor thermal behaviour and temperature-related health risk Energy Policy JCR (Q1), 2021; 135, 112276

Alba Arias Royo, Anna Figueroa López, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Evaluation of passive strategies, natural ventilation and shading systems, to reduce overheating risk in a passive house tower in the north of Spain during the warm season Journal of Building Engineering (Q1), 2021; 43, 2352-7102

Alexander Martín Garín, José Antonio Millán García, Jon Terés Zubiaga, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Improving Energy Performance of Historic Buildings through Hygrothermal Assessment of the Envelope Buildings (Q2), 2021; 1-30, 2075-5309

Alba Arias Royo, Iñigo León Vidal, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Cristina Marieta Gorriti, Environmental Assessment of University Campuses: The Case of the University of Navarra in Pamplona (Spain) Sustainability, 2021

Irati Otamendi Irizar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Alba Arias Royo, Claudia Pennese, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Effective Implementation of Urban Agendas through Urban Action Structures (UAS): The Case of the Basque Country Sustainability, 2021; 2071-1050

Markel Arbulu Dudagoitia, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Analysis of Energy Retrofit Assessment Methodologies in Buildings by European Research Projects Environmental and Climate Technologies (Q2) Scopus, 2021; 25, 265-280, 2255-8837

Arritokieta Eizaguirre Iribar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, An Integrated Approach to Transportation and Land?Use Planning for the Analysis of Former Railway Nodes in Sustainable Transport Development: The Case ofthe Vasco?Navarro Railway Sustainability (Q2 (WoS)),  2021;  13(1), 322,  1 – 24 –  2071-1050

Alba Arias Royo, Anna Figueroa López, Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Evaluation of passive strategies, natural ventilation and shading systems, to reduce overheating risk in a passive house tower in the north of Spain during the warm season Journal of Building Engineering (Q1),  2021;  43,  2352-7102

Urtza Uriarte Otazua, José Miguel Rico Martínez, Joan L. Zamora, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Transition Planes for Visual Comfort: Out View with Complex Fenestration System Design at Restaurants in Spain Energies (Q2),  2021;  14(7),  1996-1073

Nagore Urrutia del Campo, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Multicriteria Methodology for Open Space Analysis: Understanding Environmental Performance and Diversity International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) (Q2 (Scopus)),  2021;  10 (1),  39 – 57 –  2160-9918 | EISSN: 2160-9926

Francisco González Quintal, Andrés Martín Pastor, Structural Models Based on Minimal Surfaces and Geodesics International Nexus Network Journal 23, 977–993 (2021)


Laura Carlosena, Álvaro Ruiz Pardo, Jie Feng, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Mattheos Santamouris, On the energy potential of daytime radiative cooling for urban heat island mitigation Solar Energy (JCR: Q2),  2020;  208,  430 – 444

Gonçal Costa, Álvaro Sicilia, , Xabat Oregi Isasi, Juan Pedrero, Lara Mabe, A catalogue of ECM measures and a tool for their application in energy simulation models Journal of Building Engineering (WOS, Q2),  2020;  29: 101102,  2352-7102

Arritokieta Eizaguirre Iribar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, A methodological proposal for the analysis of disused railway lines as territorial structuring elements: The case study of the Vasco-Navarro railway Land Use Policy (JCR: Q1),  2020;  91,  0264-8377

Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Margarita de Luxán García de Diego, Daily dataset on temperature and relative humidity in two traditional Basque architectural models located in Lea river valley Data in Brief (SJR: Q1),  2020;  28,  2352-3409

Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Relationship between energy demand and indoor thermal behaviour concerning passive energy-refurbishment interventions Environmental and Climate Technologies (Q2 (Scopus)),  2020;  24,  2255-8837

Arritokieta Eizaguirre Iribar, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Analysing the impact of comprehensive refurbishment policies on social and heritage protection issues WIT Transactions on The Built Environment (SJR: Q3),  2020;  191,  309 – 320 –  0264-8377

Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Nagore Urrutia del Campo, Arritokieta Eizaguirre Iribar, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Impact of the Public Management Model on the Implementation of Urban Regeneration Policies: Evidence of the Case of the Basque Country, Spain Planning Practice & Research (SJR Q1),  2020;  1360-0583

Iñigo León Cascante, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Cristina Marieta Gorriti, Contribution of University to Environmental Energy Sustainability in the City Sustainability (JCR: Q2),  2020;  12(3), 774,  2071-1050

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Patxi Hernández, Environmental and Economic Prioritization of Building Energy Refurbishment Strategies with Life-Cycle Approach Sustainability (Q2 (WoS)),  2020;  12,  2071-1050

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Carlos Jiménez Bescos, Evaluating the Effect of different Base Temperatures to Calculate Degree-Days Environmental and Climate Technologies (Q2 (Scopus)),  2020;  24,  2255-8837

Silvia Pérez Bezos, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Proposal for prioritizing the retrofitting of residential buildings in energy poverty circumstances Environmental and Climate Technologies (Q2 (Scopus)),  2020;  24(3),  66 – 79 –  2255-8837

Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Thermal comfort evaluation of offices integrated into an industrial building. Case study of the Basque Country Environmental and Climate Technologies (Q2 (Scopus)),  2020;  24,  2255-8837

Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, Thermal Comfort in NZEB Collective Housing in Northern Spain Sustainability (Q2 (Wos)),  2020;  12,  2071-1050

Iñigo Rodríguez Vidal, Jorge Otaegi de Arce, ¿Por qué madera? Why Timber? DPA Detalles y Proyectos de arquitectura, 2020; 32, 8-18, 2340-8677

Nagore Urrutia del Campo, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, A.H. Aja, V.L. Lopes, A case-based urban microclimate variety classification procedure: finishing materials and shading in urban design Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE) (Q3 (Scopus)),  2020;  14 (1),  42 – 52 –  1982-3932


Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Margarita de Luxán García de Diego, The balanced intervention theory: A conservative but adaptive solution for the traditional Basque architectural model International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics (SJR, Q2 (engineering)),  2019;  14 (3),  206 – 216 –  1755-7437

Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Arritokieta Eizaguirre Iribar, Analysing the impact of comprehensive refurbishment policies on social and heritage protection issues Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XVI (SJR, Q3),  2019;  191,  309 – 320 –  WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 1746-4498

Carlos Jiménez Bescos, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Implementing user behaviour on dynamic building simulations for energy consumption Environmental and Climate Technologies (SJR, Q1),  2019;  23 (3),  308 – 318 –  2255-8837

Diana Manjarres, Lara Mabe, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Itziar Landa Torres, Two-stage Multi-objective Meta-heuristics for Environmental and Cost-Optimal Energy Refurbishment at District Level Sustainability (WOS, Q2),  2019;  11(5), 1495,  2071-1050


Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Margarita de Luxán García de Diego, Euskal landa-arkitekturako eredu tradizionalaren eraikuntza-bilakaeraren eragina portaera higrotermiko pasiboan Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria,  2018;  34,  317 – 333 –  0214-9001

Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Margarita de Luxán García de Diego, Passive hygrothermal behaviour and indoor comfort concerning the construction evolution of the traditional Basque architectural model. Lea valley case study Building and Environment (JCR, Q1),  2018;  143,  496 – 512 –  0360-1323

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Nekane Hermoso, Eneko Arrizabalaga, Lara Mabe, Iñigo Muñoz, Sensitivity assessment of a district energy assessment characterisation model based on cadastral data Energy Procedia (SJR, Q4),  2018;  147,  181 – 188 –  1876-6102

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Nekane Hermoso, Iñaki Prieto, José Luís Izkara, Lara Mabe, Panagiotis Sismanidis, Automatized and georeferenced energy assessment of an Antwerp district based on cadastral data Energy and Buildings (WOS, Q1),  2018;  173,  176 – 194 –  0378-7788


Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Álvaro Ruiz Pardo, Antonio Serra, José Manuel Salmerón, Ruth Vega, Retrofit strategies towards Net Zero Energy Educational Buildings: A case study at the University of the Basque Country Energy and Buildings (WOS, Q1),  2017;  144,  387 – 400 –  0378-7788

Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Antonio Serra, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Data on records of indoor temperature and relative humidity in a University building Data in Brief,  2017;  13,  248 – 252 –  2352-3409

Diana Manjarres, Lara Mabe, Xabat Oregi Isasi, Itziar Landa Torres, Eneko Arrizabalaga, Multi-objective Harmony Search Algorithm for Optimal Energy and Environmental Refurbishment at District Level Scale Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (SJR, Q4),  2017;  514,  320 – 332 –  2194-5357

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Patxi Hernández, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Analysis of life-cycle boundaries for environmental and economic assessment of building energy refurbishment projects Energy and Building (WOS, Q1),  2017;  136,  12 – 25 –  0378-7788


Arritokieta Eizaguirre, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, A multilevel approach of non-motorised accessibility in disused railway systems: The case-study of the Vasco-Navarro railway Journal of Transport Geography (WOS, Q1),  2016;  57,  35 – 43 –  0966-6923

Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Agustín Lacort, A graphic version of Cholesky´s method for improving the manual analysis of spatial porticoes Procedia Engineering (SCOPUS, no aplica),  2016;  161,  1007 – 1012 –  1877-7058

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Maxime Pousse, Lara Mabe, Alenxandre Escurdero, Iker Mardaras, Sustainability assessment of three districts in the city of Donostia through the NEST simulation tool Natural Resources Forum (WOS, Q3),  2016;  40 (4),  156 – 168 –  0165-0203

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Jose A. Tenorio, C. Gazulla, I. Zabalza, D. Cambra, S.O. Leao, L. Mabe, S. Otero, J. Raigosa, SOFIAS – Software for lifecycle assessment and environmental rating of buildings Informes de la Construcción (WOS, Q4),  2016;  68(542): e151,  0020-0883

Urtza Uriarte Otazua, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Joan L. Zamora, Antonio Isalgue, Side-view atmospheres under outdoor midday high luminance Buildings (Q1-Q2),  2016;  6(4),  2075-5309


Arritokieta Eizaguirre, Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, An approach to a methodology for the analysis and characterization of disused railway lines as a complex system WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (SJR, Q4),  2015;  153,  811 – 823 –  1743-3509

Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Agustín Lacort, Control semigráfico de análisis elástico para ciertas estructuras de edificación Información tecnológica. La serena (SCOPUS, Q2),  2015;  26 (3),  145 – 156 –  0716-8756

Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Agustín Lacort, Nueva metodología docente según modelo de Bolonia para enseñar estructuras Opción (SCOPUS, Q4),  2015;  31 (3),  677 – 691 –  1012-1587

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Patxi Hernández, Cristina Gazulla, Marina Isasa, Integrating Simplified and Full Life Cycle Approaches in Decision Making for Building Energy Refurbishment: Benefits and Barriers Buildings (SJR, Q2),  2015;  5 (2),  354 – 380 –  2075-5309

Xabat Oregi Isasi, Esther Roth, Erik Alsema, Maarten Van Ginkel, David Struik, Use of ICT tools for integration of energy in urban planning projects Energy Procedia (SJR, Q4),  2015;  83,  157 – 166 –  1876-6102


Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Álvaro Ruiz Pardo, Antonio Serra, José M. Salmerón, Potential of Night Ventilative Cooling Strategies in office buildings in Spain. Comfort Analysis The International Journal of Ventilation (WOS, Q4),  2014;  13 (2),  193 – 210 –  1473-3315

Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Luís Torres, Antonio Serra, I. Mendizabal, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, The Ekihouse: An energy self-sufficient house based on passive design strategies Energy and Buildings (WOS, Q1),  2014;  83,  57 – 69 –  0378-7788


Fernando Bajo Martínez de Murguía, Un ejemplo práctico EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (SJR, Q3),  2013;  22,  112 – 121 –  1133-6137

Ruth Unzu, Juan Antonio Nazabal, Gustavo Vargas Silva, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Carlos Fernández Valdivielso, Nuria Urriza, Marko Galarza, Manuel López Amo, Fiber optic and KNX sensors network for remote monitoring a new building cladding system Automation in Construction (SJR, Q1),  2013;  30,  9 – 14 –  0926-5805


Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Antonio Serra, Álvaro Ruiz Pardo, Luís Torres, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Fachadas ventiladas activas para reducir la demanda de calefacción en los edificios de oficinas. El caso de España Informes de la Construcción,  2012;  64 (528),  575 – 585 –  1988-3234


Olatz Irulegi Garmendia, Antonio Serra, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Álvaro Ruiz Pardo, Ventilated Active Façades to Reduce the Cooling Demand of Office Buildings – the Case of Spain International Journal of Ventilation,  2011;  10 (2),  101 – 113 –  1473-3315