Development of a methodology with a life cycle perspective to evaluate the energy rehabilitation actions of the existing park, meeting the requirements of the new CTE.
First, the research will be contextualized by carrying out a diagnosis of the building park managed by Alokabide. Subsequently, the methodology will be developed according to the needs of the project. Finally, it will be validated through the application to case studies. During the process, the collaboration of STECHome will be essential, which has experience in the development of solutions and services for monitoring and digitization.
Date: November 2020 – September 2022
Generate a tool for collaborative entities that allows them to prioritize and plan the different rehabilitation strategies that make it possible to improve the quality of life of the users of these homes, as well as the energy efficiency and environmental impact of these buildings.
Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco
Organizations: Alokabide
Specialized Groups: StecHome