The project adopts an architectural/urban planning and interdisciplinary approach, based on the design of high-quality outdoor meeting spaces (squares, streets, parks, etc.) that encourage active enjoyment of the immediate environment. This includes strengthening social relationships, promoting physical activity and integrating digital technologies for support these goals. In addition, it is proposed to study in detail the characteristic social, architectural and urban aspects of the urban meeting environments of the territory of Gipuzkoa.

Date: November 2022 – October 2024

The project aims to:

• Promote active, inclusive and diverse aging through accessible and friendly public outdoor spaces that foster social interaction and encourage physical activity for all.

• Prevent and mitigate perceptions of unwanted loneliness through the design of outdoor spaces, which improve emotional health and promote the social inclusion of the elderly.

• Increase functional autonomy and improve the perception of safety (especially among women), to enabling all older individuals to navigate and enjoy the urban and/or rural environment with ease and quality.

• Support independent living and bridge the digital divide by designing smart digital urban environments.

• Create a design guide for professionals and institutions involved in urban planning to foster the transformation of the physical space that people walk through.

• Develop several pilot projects, applying the design guide developed to evaluate, improve and validate the proposed model.

• Define a roadmap to support the institutions involved or interested in the actual execution of the pilot projects.

• Promote the model proposed in Gipuzkoa in the rest of the Basque Country, Spain and Europe.

Challenges of active, healthy, and meaningful ageing (ADINBERRI) and the promotion of improved care and attention for older people. Department of Economic Promotion, Tourism, and Rural Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa


ADINBERRI y Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa

Ayuntamiento de Beasain | Ayuntamiento de Donostia –  San Sebastián | Ayuntamiento de Arrasate