Method for analyzing urban dynamics through Big (Geo)Data for the Regeneration and Transformation of the city.

The methodological proposal developed allows for sequential visualization of urban dynamics and the definition of existing movement patterns in the urban environment. The resulting data and images enable the making of specific diagnoses to be made that can serve as a foundation for appropriately designing interventions for each context and defining urban strategies and policies for the subsequent transformation and improvement of the urban environment’s conditions.

Date: September 2022 – September 2023

The main objective is to create a systematic and exportable method for studying the dynamics of people in the city through geolocated data sources and to provide a spatio-temporal approach to the actual use that people make of the city.

Programa de apoyo a la Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación » Proyectos de I+D en las áreas de fabricación avanzada, energía y biociencias/salud.


Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa

GIAU+ S | ABIO | OPIK | Themis Research Group | Universidad de Alicante