PhD Architect. Interim Lecturer

Academic background

Architect by the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona of the UPC (2009); Postgraduate in Ecohabitat: Eco-efficient Housing Design by ELISAVA, University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona at UPF (2010); Master Degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment by UPC (2011); beneficiary of the PREDOC training programme from the Basque Government (2013-2016); PhD Architect in the UPC’s Doctoral Programme about Areas of Research in Energy and Environment in Architecture with the dissertation entitled “Light and taste: third plane side?view combined with complex fenestration system atmospheres under midday clear sky at restaurants” co-directed by Joan Lluís Zamora i Mestre (PhD Architect and Professor from UPC) and Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón (PhD Architect and Professor from UPV/EHU); Master’s Degree in Teacher Training of Technology Speciality by UPV/EHU; beneficiary of the POSTDOC training programme from the Basque Government (2020-2022).

Teaching experience

Since 2017, as a speaker in his speciality of Lighting and Radiation at the: Master’s Degree in Integrated Construction Management – specialising in Energy Efficiency at La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL; Master’s Degree in Gastronomic Space Design at UPV/EHU; Qualifying Master of “Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics” at UPPA (France); and also in 2014 and 2016, Master’s Degree in Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency at UPV/EHU. In 2018-2019, as a lecturer in the department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Research with Mathematics II and Statistics subject at Faculty of Science and Technology of UPV/EHU. In this context, the relationship with this department is maintained, in order to integrate mathematics and architecture.

Research experience

Currently developing, the Postdoctoral Programme for Training of Doctoral Research Staff from the Basque Government about Daylighting in Dense Urban Areas with Radiance Simulations, and Measurements, between CAVIAR (UPV/EHU) and Architecture & Urban Physics (UPPA) research groups. During pre-doctoral training, also collaborated: in ENE2009-11540 project of MICINN in the field of Architecture, Energy and Environment; in the agreement between the municipality of Amorebieta-Etxano and UPC about Territory and Sustainability: A Study of Social Metabolism of Amorebieta-Etxano, financed by the same municipality; and SGR 00262 project by “Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca” in the field of Innovation and Technology in Architecture. In addition, taking part in research groups as: AIEM of ETSAB (UPC) and in the Laboratory for Innovation and Technology in Architecture of ETSAV ( UPC), in which she is also an associate. Furthermore, being a member of the International Radiance Community, validated lighting simulation tool, and user of DIVA, and Climate Studio with Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. Consequently, is collaborating in the organisation of the next 2020-2021 International Radiance Workshop at Bilbao. Likewise, she has collaborated and participated with: Interempresas journal via Icandela; the Professional Association of Lighting Designers (APDI); and the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD). Moreover, she has participated in several international congresses with an oral communication and published scientific articles in indexed journals such as ESCI – Web of Science and Scopus.

Professional experience

Since 2017 she has carried out 7 ITEs, 2 integral retrofit of farmhouses, a refurbishment and change of use of commercial premises, an agrarian accommodation, a refurbishment of a public toilet in a sports establishment of pelota court, an agroforestry map of the soil potential for the Planning of the municipality of Amorebieta-Etxano, a lighting design for DC-Arquitectes office in Barcelona, and a lighting design for the courtyard of the AIA architecture office in Barcelona.