PhD Architect. Lecturer
Academic background
Architect from the Higher Technical School of the University of Navarra (1994-2001).
Teaching experience
Assistant professor for the subjects Planning I and Planning II at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (2007-2009). Associate professor of the subjects Planning I and Planning III at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (2009-2010).
Part-time interim labor professor at the Donostia-San Sebastián Higher Technical School of Architecture and at the Polytechnic School of the University of the Basque Country (2013-2015). Full-time adjunct professor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture. She is a teacher in the Urban Planning III and IV subjects of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and in the Master’s Degree. Deputy Director of Culture, Students and Euskara of the ETSA UPV/EHU (2017-present).
Research experience
As a researcher, Izaskun is part of the CAVIAR “Quality of Life in Architecture” research group of the UPV/EHU.
Professional experience
As a liberal professional, he carries out urban and territorial planning and management works and architectural projects. She is also a founding partner of AL.Luque, Aseguinolaza y asociados SLP.