The GIPUZKOA NODAL project proposes designing tools to rethink the mobility network of Gipuzkoa, taking into account the current infrastructures and those projected in the short term, from an intermodal perspective. To this end, the proposed research seeks to develop a tool that allows the identification of nodes in the territory. The identification of the attributes of the nodes will lead us to their potential prioritisation, which will facilitate the establishment of criteria for their organisation.

The research will be conducted through a practical case that will incorporate the qualitative perspectives of the territory in which it is applied, facilitated by a participation process involving both technical experts and the local population.

Gipuzkoa NODAL is funded through a grant awarded by the Directorate General for Strategy of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, as part of the Gipuzkoa Eraikiz MISIOAK 2024 Call for Proposals.

Date: September 2024 – September 2025


The aim is to promote a territorial mobility network that enables the region to function as a genuinely interconnected system, fostering a polycentric Gipuzkoa and acknowledging its true urban-territorial nature as a network of settlements.


CAVIAR UPV/EHU | RAZ. Herramientas digitales e innovación urbana | Ayuntamiento de Oiartzun / Oiartzungo Udala