Francisco González Quintial
PhD Architect. Interim Lecturer
Academic background
Architect (Plan 1981), Master’s Degree in Architectural Heritage, Advanced Studies Diploma, Forensic Expert, Doctor. University of the Basque Country. UPV-EHU 12/11/2012: METHOD OF ADAPTATION OF DOUBLE CURVATURE FORMS THROUGH DEVELOPABLE SURFACES, Fab Academy Diploma Fab Academy Graduated 2016.
Teaching experience
Since 2007, he has been a professor in the Department of Architecture of the San Sebastián Higher Technical School of Architecture (ETSASS) where he is a professor of Structures III and IV as well as Parametric Architecture and Digital Fabrication. He is responsible for the Master in Structures, Construction and Design in Wood. Professor of the Master Rehabilitation, Restoration and Comprehensive Management of Built Heritage and Existing Constructions.
Research experience
Member of the ESMAARQ Research Group and the CAVIAR Research Group “Quality of Life in Architecture”.
Professional experience
Professional experience since 1997, as an architect in liberal practice, responsible for Projects and Construction Management of Building and Civil Works developed both in his own studio and in collaboration with architects and multidisciplinary teams.
Director of FabLAB DONOSTIA, ETSASS Digital Manufacturing Workshop, where parametric design and the use of computer-controlled manufacturing tools are being implemented.