Plan de actuación para la dinamización e implementación del PCTI EUSKADI 2020-2030 en el ámbito de Ciudades Sostenibles | CiSo 30
Project with three lines of action dedicated to developing the theoretical and operational approach and implementation of the revitalization of the Steering Group of the PCTI sustainable cities, the prospective group and the district or neighborhood structures for the development of transitions aligning with the PCTI 2022-30.
The project has 4 lines of work:
- Support and advice on the rehabilitation strategy of the Euskadi park.
- Collaboration with the Open Gela network and planning of demonstrative and complementary actions.
- Surveillance and prospective of the sector to detect lines with greater innovative potential and opportunity niches.
- Study of types of structures for urban action and design of demonstrative actions.
First phase: June 2020 – December 2021
Second phase: June 2022 – December 2023
The main objective is the study of disruptive strategies for the adaptation of neighborhoods to the three mega transitions identified in the RIS3 and to promote innovation in the industrial and technological fabric of the Basque Country in this area, as well as to generate citizen structures that accompany the transformation. towards the sustainable city.
Department of Territorial Planning. Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration | Basque Government